

  1. gap n 裂缝,缝隙;差距;鸿沟 generation gap 代沟 information gap 信息差 a gap year 间歇年 narrow/widen the gap 缩小/扩大差距

  2. gaze 凝视 -gape 目瞪口呆看 -glimpse 瞥 -glance 扫视 -glare 怒视+at a glimpse of Harvard peer at 凝视/peep at 偷窥 stare at 盯着看 看: look vi +at/see vt/watch vt 观看;小心

  3. generalize vt 概括- general adj 普遍的,一般的+n 将军 general introduction

  4. generate vt 发电;产生 produce generator n 发电机 generate profits 产生利润 generate interest 产生兴趣

  5. gene n 基因 genetically adv 遗产学地 GMF - genetically modified food 转基因食品 modify vt 修改

  6. generous adj 慷慨的 - liberal adj economical/frugal/thrifty adj 节约的

  7. global global globalize globalization

  8. gloomy adj 阴霾的,阴郁的; gloomy future

  9. glorious glory n 荣耀 glorious adj 光荣的,荣耀的

  10. govern vt 统治,管理 government

  11. grab vt 抢夺 smash and grab

  12. grant vt give officially 给予;授予;准予 n 助学金 grant a degree 授予学位 grant a driving license 颁发驾照

  13. grace n 优雅 disgrace vt 使丢脸,使蒙羞 graceful/graceless

  14. grateful adj 感谢的 gratitude n 感激 appreciate vt 感谢 I am very grateful to you for your help I can hardly express my gratitude to you for your help=My gratitude to you is beyond expression/words appreciate vt I really appreciate your help

  15. grave adj 严重的,n 坟墓 aggravate vt 加重,恶化 grav 重 gravity n 重力

  16. greedy adj 贪婪的 n greed

  17. grieve vi+at 悲伤,难过;grief n I feel grieved at the economic loss

  18. gross adj 总的;毛的;不雅的 GDP gross domestic product GNP gross national product gross weight/net weight gross behavior 不雅的行为

  19. guarantee vt 保证,担保 ensure/guarantee +sth/that guarantee to do

  20. guilty adj guilt n 愧疚 be guilty of


  1. halt n stop 停止 come to a halt 停止 The car came to a halt

  2. hamper hinder vt 阻止,阻碍 hamper/hinder sb from doing

  3. harmony n 和谐 live in harmony 和谐相处 harmonious adj 和谐的 Only in this way can we build a harmonious society

  4. harness n 马具 vt 驾奴,利用 harness a river 治理河流 harness solar energy 利用太阳能

  5. haste n 匆忙 hurry hasty adj More haste,less speed 欲速则不达

  6. hazard danger n 危险 dangerous hazardous adj

  7. heritage n 遗产 非物质文化遗产 non- material cultural heritage/legacy

  8. hesitate vi 犹豫 hesitate to d If you have any questions,don’t hesitate to ask me

  9. highlight n 最精彩的部分 vt 强调 emphasize/stress The teacher highlighted the importance to ask me

  10. hint n 暗示

  11. hollow bare empty blank vacant adj 空的 a hollow pipe/hollow bamboo 竹子 bare adj covered with nothing 赤裸的,裸露的 bare arm/leg/head empty:adj contain nothing (容器等)空的 blank adj 空白的;茫然的,面无表情 blank paper/check blank face/look vacant:adj not occupied 空座,空缺的 vacant seats vacant positions 空缺 vacancy

  12. horizon n 地平线 broaden one’s horizons 扩展视野

  13. hospitality n 热情好客

  14. hostile adj 敌意的

  15. humiliate vt 使屈辱

  16. hypothesis n 假设 hypo 假的


  1. ideal adj 理想的,完美的 an ideal job

  2. identical

  3. identify vt 1)识别;辨认,确定身份 identify his identify 2)identify A with B 认为AB等同 Never identify facts with opinions identical adj 相同的 There are no identical fingerprints 指纹 in the world 3)identify oneself with sth 感同身受 I can identify myself with the dilemma of the heroine identity n 身份 身份证 ID card= identify card

  4. idle adj 空闲的

  5. ignorant be ignorant of adj 忽视 ignore vt 忽视忽略

  6. illusion n 幻觉

  7. illustrate vt 例证;证明 show/demonstrate/prove/reveal illustration n

  8. imitation n 模仿 imitate vt 模仿

  9. immense adj 巨大的

  10. immune adj be immune to Vaccination can make us immune to Covid-19 viruses immune system 免疫系统

  11. impact vt & n 影响,冲击力 influence have impact/influence on

  12. implement vt 执行;实施 caution vi 警告

  13. implicit 含蓄的 explicit 明显的

  14. imply vt 暗示 implication n

  15. impose impose sth on sb 强加于(想法或征税等) Don’t impose your ideas on me

  16. impair vt 损害;削弱

  17. impress vt 印象 depress vt 萧条,抑郁 compress vt 压缩浓缩 suppress oppress repress vt 压抑抑制 express vt 表达

  18. imprison vt 禁锢 imprison one’s creativity/minds

  19. impulse n 冲动 Do sth on impulse 做事冲动 pulse n 脉搏 im/in

  20. incentive n 奖励刺激机制 innocent adj 清白的 无辜的

  21. incident n 事件 accident n 事故 coincident adj 巧合的(coincidence n)

  22. incline vt decline recline cline 弯曲 I am inclined to hold that…

  23. incredible unbelievable credit card credible adj incredibility

  24. incur vt cause trouble occur vi(happen) recur vi(happen again) You will incur trouble if you do that burn your hands

  25. indicate vt show/demonstrate

  26. indifferent don’t care about sth

  27. indignant angry/annoyed/furious

  28. indispensable necesary and importand Fresh air and clean water are indispensable to health

  29. indulge be indulged in:be fascinated with/be obsessed with Nowadays many young people are indulged in computer games

  30. industrious hard-working;diligent industrial adj of industry

  31. inevitable adj must happen

  32. infect vt spread viruses Flu is an infectious disease affect vt/effect n /defect n flaw

  33. infer vt deduce from inference n What can we infer from the passage?

  34. initial adj beginning part The initial letter of my name is GW initial vt start/begin initiate/start a career initiative n do sth on initiative Belt and Road Initiative 倡议

  35. inject vt 注射 injection infect vt 感染传染 ject:throw 投掷 project vt 投影;计划;预计 projector n reject vt 拒绝 object vi+to 反对 be subject (adj)to 从属于

  36. innocent adj 清白的 无辜的;天真的 无邪的 incentive n 奖励刺激

  37. innovation innovate vt 革新创新 innovation n innovator n

  38. inquire inquire- acquire- require acquire vt learn;习得,获得;收购 acquisition n 收购 merge n&v 并购 acquire a language/acquire knowledge require vt要求 require sb to do sth requirement n inquire vi 1 打听询问 + about 2探究,调+into inquiry n 打听,调查 investigate vt&vi (+into)调查 investigation n

  39. insight n 洞察力;洞悉了解 insight into

  40. inisist vi 坚持+on(N) assist vt 帮助/consist of 包含/persist in+doing/resist vt 抵挡抵抗

  41. inspect vt 视察 spect 看 aspect n 方面 facet n respect v&n 尊敬;n in this respect 方面 prospect n 前景 perspective n 透视;角度观点 from my perspective=in my opinion spectator n 观众 suspect v 怀疑& n 疑犯

  42. instinct n 本能 intuition n 直觉 intuitive adj 直觉的 counterintuitive 反直觉的 Birds can fly by instinct

  43. institute n 研究机构,研究院所;vt 制定 institution 制度

  44. instruct vt 教授;教育 instructive adj instructive movie struct 建造 construct- instruct- destruct- obstruct vt阻碍阻挡

  45. insure vt 投保 + against insurance n 保险 I insured my house against fire assure vt保证确保(assure sb of sth/assure sb that) ensure vt 保证确保(ensure sth/ensure that) reassure vt 使安心;使消除疑虑

  46. integrate vt 整合成一体 integrate A with B global integration 全球一体化

  47. intellect n 才智,智慧 intelligent adj smart 聪明的 intelligence n 智能 AI=artificial intelligence IQ intellectual n 知识分子 adj知识的;智力的 intellectual environment He is intelligent,but not intellectual

  48. intense tense- intense- intensify- intensity- intensive tense adj紧张的 tense study life intense adj强烈的 intensity n强度 intensify vt 加强 intensive adj 密集的集中的 ICU intensive care unit a labor intensive industry 劳动密集型产业

  49. intend vi 打算intention n intend to do- plan to do attend vt出席;vi 照料+to tend to do 倾向于 incline to do im/in

  50. interact v 相互作用,互相 interaction n 互动 counteract v 中和抵消,反作用 react vi+to 反应 interview v&n 面试采访

  51. interfere vi 干涉in (贬义);干扰+with intervene vt 干涉干预(褒义) Don’t interferr in my affairs The noise outside interfered with my class

  52. interpret vt 解释

  53. interrupt vt 打断 break in

  54. interval n 间隔+at interval I used to visit my grandparents at regular intervals We are required to plant tree at a 10-meter interval

  55. interview v&n 面试,采访

  56. intricate adj 错综复杂的 complex/complicated/sophisticated/intricate/elaborate

  57. intrigue n 诡计

  58. invert vi + in 投资 investment n

  59. investigate vt inquire 调查+into

  60. involve vt 卷入牵连;包含涉及 involution 内卷 I don’t want to be involved in the case The job involves(entails)living abroad for at least a year evolve vi 进化发展 evolution revolve vi 旋转 revolution n 革命 innovation n 革新

  61. irritate irritate vt 激怒 irrigation n

  62. issue n 问题;(期刊)期;vt 发布,发行,分发 social issues the latest issue of the magazine GI美国大兵government issue



