

  1. debate n 辩论 - dispute n 争端 controvery n 争论 argument n 争论,论点 -argue

  2. decay vi 腐烂 corrupt v 腐败 delay v 耽搁,延迟

  3. deceive vt 欺骗 deceive(cheat) sb into doing

  4. decline v&n 下降;vt 婉拒 -cline 弯曲 decline an offer decline an invitation sb incline to do 倾向做 recline 依靠 + on

  5. decrease v&n increase v&n

  6. dedicate -devote commit vt 1) do/make;2)承诺 commit a crime/commit suicide be commited/dedicated/devoted to +N 致力于

  7. deem v think 认为

  8. deficit n -deficient adj 不足的 n 赤字 efficient adj 有效率的

  9. define vt 下定义 -definition n 定义 confine to 限制 refine vt 精炼 refined sugar 精糖 refine your language

  10. delegate n 代表 vt 授权,委任

  11. deliberate adj 故意的;从容的

  12. delighted adj 开心的,高兴的 -delight vt

  13. deliver vt 投放,送 deliver milk/newspaper/a speech delivery n the pxpress service

  14. democratic adj 民主的 -democracy n

  15. demonstrate show 演示展示 display demonstration n 游行示威 depict-describe描写

  16. deny vt 否认 2)拒绝 deny sb sth Nobody can deny children the right to receive education

  17. dependent adj + on -depend on 依赖 be dependent of 独立于

  18. depress v 1)萧条 2)抑郁 -depression 萧条;抑郁症 depressed adj compress vt 压缩 - impress vt 印象 -express vt 表达 express emotions -repress vt 压制,抑制 -oppress -suppress

  19. deprive vt 剥夺 deprive sb of sth

  20. derive derive from 源自 - come from源自 - stem from - originate from

  21. descendant descend - ascend vi 上升 descendant 后代,下降

  22. deserve vt 值得,该受 conserve vt 保守,保护 -conservative adj 保守的 -conservation n 保护 observe vt 观察;遵守,vi 说 reserve vt 预定,保留;n 储备,储存,保留 reservation 预定 reserved 有所保留的 oill reserved/reserve fund preserve vt 保存;腌制 preserved meat a well-preserved lady

  23. designate vt 指定,标明,命名

  24. desirable adj 渴望的,想要的,理解的 -desive vt 渴望 to do desirable jobs理想的工作

  25. desperate adj 绝望的,孤注一掷的 desperate vt 绝望 - despaired

  26. despise vt 蔑视,轻视

  27. detect vt 发现-detective n 侦探

  28. determine vt 决心 I am determined to do 决心做

  29. devise vt 设计 -device n 设备

  30. dictate vt 听写;口授;命令 dictation n 命令 -dic 说 dictation dictionary n 字典 contradict vt 矛盾

  31. dilemma n 进退两难

  32. diligent adj 勤奋的 I am a hard-working/diligent/industrious student industry n 工业;勤奋 industrial adj 工业的 industrous adj

  33. diminish vt 减少;减小 -mini 小 miniskirt

  34. disastrous adj -disaster n 灾难 This is a disaster This can cause disastrous consequence

  35. discern vt 辨认,确认 - identify vt 约束,管束

  36. dsicipline n 学科 This a cross discipline 纪律 classroom discipline/military discipline self-discipline 自律性

  37. disclose

- enclose vt 圈起来 - enclosure n close vt 关闭 adj disclose vt 透露,揭露,泄露

  1. discriminate n 歧视 racial/age/sex/gender discriminate

  2. disgrace vt 不雅,是丢脸 Grace n 优雅 graceful/graceless/disgraceful

  3. disguise v&n 伪装 a blessing in disguise put yourself in other‘s shoes 换位思考

  4. dismiss vt 打发,解散;不理会 lay off 解雇 you are dismissed

  5. display demonstrate vt&n be on display window display 橱窗展示

  6. dispose vi +of 处置,处理(旧物)-disposal n at sb’s disposal the car is now at my dispose

  7. disrupt -rupt=break bankrupt/corrupt/erupt/interrupt 打断,干扰 disrupt vt 破坏 disruption 打扰

  8. distinct adj 不同的+from;清楚的 The smell of beer is distinct from wine

  9. distinguish vt 1)区分 distinguish A from B;distinguish between…and please distinguish the good from the bad 2)使卓越 He has distinguish himself many time in war distinguished adj 卓越的 a distinguished guest 嘉宾

  10. distract 分散 vt from 注意力等 attract- contract- extract- abstract- tract:draw

  11. distribute vt 分发,分派,分布- distribution contribute attribute to 归因于

  12. diverse adj 各种各样的 - diversity n 多样性 biodiversity n 生物多样性

  13. dividend n 分红 allowance bonus divide vt 分割

  14. domestic adj 国内的,家的 domestic departure 国内离岗 domestic violence 家暴

  15. dominant vt 占主导,占主控 -dominant adj

  16. dramatic adj 戏剧化的 - drama n 戏剧 considerable adj 可观的 大量的

  17. due adj 应到的 is due to ;到期的;因为;适当的 after due 适当的 consideration,he decided to undertake MBA program

  18. dynamic adj 动态的;有活力的 energetic/vigorous adj 有活力的 dynamics n 动力学;动态


  1. ease n 容易;舒服,自在 -easy take it easy I felt/was at ease talking with you vt 减轻,减缓 -lessen/relieve

  2. echo n 回声 vt 回响 narcissus 水仙花

  3. economical economic- economy economic development adj 经济实惠的 economical wifi

  4. effective effect affect effective efficient deficient adj -deficit n 赤字 efficient adj 效率的 efficiency effective adj有效的 effect n影响,效果 effect vt 影响

  5. effort endeavor n&vi 努力 try to do/manage to do make efforts to do endeavor to do /make an endeavor to do

  6. elaborate adj 精心准备的;复杂的 an elaborate dinner complex complicated sophisticated intricate elaborate

  7. elapse lapse collapse collapse v 崩溃;倒塌 lapse n 小错 vi 流逝 blunder 大错

  8. elevate vt 提升 elevator n 电梯 - lift escalate vt 滚动升级 - escalator n 滚梯 A good book can elevate our minds 抽象

  9. eliminate vt 消除根除;淘汰 eliminate poverty n elimination

  10. elite n 精英

  11. embarrass awkward adj 尴尬的 vt 使尴尬 he asked me embarrassing question I felt embarrassed

  12. embody vt 体现

  13. emerge vi 出现 + from -arise an emerging industry 新兴行业 emergency emergence emergent n 紧急情况 n 出现 adj 紧急的 an emergency airport/brake/room/fund/exit

  14. emigrate vi 移民 migrate vi 迁徙 - immigrate 移民 migrant n -immigrant - emigrant n 移民

  15. eminent prominent exceptional extraordinary distinguished outstanding 杰出的,卓越的 excellent execl vi 优秀+at 好,擅长,优秀

  16. emit 排出,排放 - emission save energy and reduce carbon emission 节能减排 -mit:go commit/limit/emit/submit/transmit

  17. encounter vt 遇见,偶遇;遭遇 -meet

  18. endeavour vi&n 努力 endeavor to do 努力去做

  19. endow vt 赋予才能,财富 be endow with

  20. endure vt 忍受;tolerate vt 宽容,容忍 bear vt put up with

  21. engage vt 忙于;从事;吸引 be engaged in 忙于;从事 the toy can engage the attention of the kid 订婚 engagement ring 订婚戒指

  22. enhance vt 提高(抽象如品质等)- elevate 提升思想 the beautiful moonlight can enhance the romance of the night improve the living standards

  23. enormous adj 巨大的(体积,距离,程度)

  24. enroll vt 录取,录用,招生 roll n 名单 enlarge the enrollment of the university

  25. ensure vt 确保,保证 - assure assure sb of sth/that ensure(sb) sth/that sure adj

  26. entail vt 包含 +N/doing -involve

  27. enterprise n 企业;进取心 state-owned enterprise 国有企业 corporation n 公司 He is a young man of enterprise

  28. enthusiastic adj 热情的 enthusiasm

  29. epidemic n 流行病 covid-19;coronavirus pandemic

  30. equivalent n 等同物,等价物 -of/to -que:相等;平等 adj -equality n

  31. erase vt 擦除;去除 eraser n 橡皮

  32. erect correct vt 改正,纠正(错误);矫正 -rect 直立 rectify vt 纠正;矫正

  33. erupt vt 爆发,喷发(火山等)eruption n

  34. essential adj 基本重要的 essence n 本质 in essence 从本质上讲 重要的 critical- crucial- vital

  35. estate real estate房地产 property n 财产;地产

  36. esteem self-esteem 自尊 self-confidence self-discipline

  37. estimate vt 估计 estimation over/underestimate

  38. eternal adj 永恒的

  39. ethnic 种族的 - ethic adj 道德的,伦理的 &n

  40. evacuate vt 撤离,疏散

  41. evade vt 逃跑 - invade vt 入侵,侵略

  42. evaluate vt 估价,评估 vale(价值等) assess vt 评估(质量等)

  43. eventually 最终 finally/in the end/at last

  44. evident adj 明显的,显而易见的 evidence n 证据 -proof 明显地:evidently;apparently;obviously;self-evident 不言而喻的

  45. evolve vi 进化发展 - evolution n 进化 shenzhen has evolved from a small fishing village into a modern big city -volve 转 involve vt 卷入牵连;包含- involution 内卷 I don’t want to be involved in the case revolve v 旋转 - revolution n 革命

  46. exaggerate vt 夸张 exaggerate exaggeration n boast vt 吹牛

  47. exceed vt 超出 - excessive adj 过量的 -ceec 走v/-cess n proceed- process cede走v/-cession n recede- recession

  48. exclude 排除- include包含 inclusive adj 包含的(inclusiveness)

- exclusive adj 排他的,独有的,专有的 an exclusive interview 独家专访 The rent is &350,breakfast included/excluded=inclusive/exclusive of breakfast

  1. executive n 行政官员;执行 CEO- chief executive officer sports executive

  2. exert vt 施加(压力、影响) exert pressure/influence on

  3. exempt adj免除的 be exempt from 免于+punishment duty-free

  4. expel repel- compel- dispel -pel 推 pull/push expel vt 驱逐 compel vt 逼迫迫使 -be compelled to do 不得不 repel v 排斥 water and fire repel each other dispel vi 消散(烦恼)

  5. expend expand- expend- extend expand v 扩张,扩大,膨胀 expand territory 扩张领土 enlarge your vocabulary 扩大词汇量 extend vt 延伸,延展,延长 - make longer extend my vacation 延长假期 expend vt 花费花销 - expensive adj 贵的 expenditure n 花销话费(不可数) expense n 花销花费(复数)

  6. expenditure expenditure- expense- expend expenditure n 花销花费(不可数) expense n 花销花费(复数)

  7. expose vt 暴露于;接触到+to be exposed to Don’t expose your skin to strong sunlight college students can be exposed to many foreign cultures

  8. extent to some extent 在一定程度上 health is important to us health,to some extent,is critical to us

  9. external adj 外部的 - internal adj 内部的

  10. extinguish vt 熄灭灭火 - distinguish 区分

  11. extract adj 灭绝的 many animals have been extinct

  12. extreme n 极端 don’t go the extreme extremely adv very 非常地


  1. fabricate vt 编织,编造 fabric n 纤维,织物

  2. facilitate vt 使便利,使容易;促进 -facility n 便利设施(复数) teaching/sports facilities The construction 修建 of the road facilitates the local economic development

  3. faculty

- staff (集合名词)员工;教职员工

  1. fade vi 褪色;消退;减退 The painful memory began to fade

  2. faithful faith n 忠诚;信念 - faithful adj 忠诚的

  3. familiar adj 熟悉的 - acquaint vt 熟悉 be familiar with/be familiar to I am familiar with the word The word is familiar to me I am acquainted with the word acquaintance n 熟人

  4. famine n 饥荒

  5. fascinate vt 着迷,迷恋 be fascinated with 着迷

  6. fatigue n 疲劳,疲惫

  7. fasten vt 固定 For the sake of 为了your safety,please fasten your seatbelt

  8. feasible adj 可行的 - flexible adj 灵活的,弹性的 flexible working schedule 灵活工作制 feasibility- flexibility n

  9. feature n 特点特征; vt 以…为特色;由…主演;以…为主要组成;起重要作用;占重要地位 The latest model features alloy wheels and an electronic alarm olive oil and garlic feature prominently in his recipes

  10. fierce adj 凶猛的 fierce competition 激烈的竞争 domestic violence violent adj 暴力的

  11. financial n 财政,金融 - financial adj financial n 财政,金融 - financial adj financial deficit 财政赤字 financial crisis 金融危机

  12. finite adj 有限的 - infinite adj 无限的 finite natural resource 资源 infinite creativity

  13. flatter vt 奉承

  14. flourish vi 繁荣 boom-booming flourish- flourishing prosper- prospering thrive- thriving

  15. fluctuate v 波动;fluctuation n

  16. forbid vt 禁止 - forbid sb to do The forbidden city ban/keep/stop/prevent/prohibit/hamper/hinder sb from doing

  17. forecast 预报 - foretell 预言 - foresee 预见 unforeseeable consequence fore-前 forefather forefinger forehead foreleg foreleg forearm

  18. foster vt 养育;培养;照料;促进 raise vt 养育 cultivate vt 培养- talents 照料 take care of/look after 促进 promote foster a kid foster friendship

  19. fragile adj 易碎的,脆弱的

  20. fragment n 片段,碎片

  21. frame n 框架

  22. fraud n 骗子

  23. frighten vt 使害怕- fright n 恐惧,害怕 Are you frightened/scared?

  24. fringe

- brim- verge- edge- margin n 边缘+on fringe(地域)边缘,流苏 On the fringe of the forest brim(容器)边缘+ on the brim of the glass verge(抽象-坏事)边缘 on the verge of bankruptcy/despair edge n 边缘;刀刃;优势 a double- edged sword 双刃剑 margin n 边缘;(书)空白边缘;幅度;余地 on the margin of the lake take notes in the margin of the book he won the game by a wide/narrow margin

  1. frugal adj 节约的 economical/thrifty adj

  2. fulfill vt 完成;履行;实现 fulfill a task fulfill one’s promise/contract fulfill one‘s ambition/dream fulfilled adj 满足的满意的 fulfillment n 满足 a sense of fulfillment 满足感

  3. function n 功能;vt 发挥功效 The machine doesn’t function well

  4. fund n 资金 vt 资助

  5. fuss make a fuss of 大惊小怪