


  1. bald adj 秃头的;bold adj 勇敢的,冒失的

  2. ban vt & n 禁止 禁止某人做某事 bank/keep/stop/prohibit sb from doing forbid sb to do sth The forbidden City 紫禁城 ban smoking

  3. bankrupt adj 破产的 -rupt:break corrupt vi 腐败 corruption n erupt vi 喷发(火山)eruption n interrupt vt 打断 interruption n bankruptcy n

  4. barely hardly-rarely-scarcely 几乎不 barrier n 障碍 obstacle n barrier/obstacle + to + N The major obstacle to lanuage learning is vocabulary/grammar. non-barrier design 无障碍设计

  5. bargain n. 划得来的交易,便宜货 it’s a real bargain

  6. barrier n 障碍 barrier to +N/doing 通往…的障碍;a barrier to sucess obstacle to 障碍

  7. base n 基地,基座,基础 -basis n 基础(抽象) base sth on = be based on 基于 A good language study is based on good command 掌握of vocabulary 词汇and grammar语法. be based on = be on the basis of The opinion is on the basis of = is based on facts.

  8. basis n 基础(抽象);on the basis of

  9. bear vt 忍受,承担 n 熊 同义词 stand/put up with/tolerate 容忍

  10. beforehand adv 提前 = in advance

  11. behalf n 利益;in behalf of 为了…的利益;on behalf of 代表

  12. being n 生命,存在 = existence;人(只能指人或动物);a human being 一个人// come into being 形成,存在

  13. belong vi 属于 belong to ;belongings 随身携带的物品

  14. bend v 弯曲 endless 无穷的

  15. beneficial adj 有益的 有好处的 be beneficial to /be of benefit to 对…有益/好处 Proper physical exercise is beneficial to = is of benefit to your health.

  16. benefit n 利益,好处 vt 有益于,有利于

  17. beside prep 在…旁边

  18. besides prep/adv 除了…之外(还有);except 除了…之外(没有) Except Tom,nobody is present. Besides Tom,Jone is present.

  19. betray vt 背叛,出卖,暴露;bet 打赌;ray 光线 betray oneself 原形毕露 betray one’s principles 背叛自己的原则

  20. bias n 偏见 biased & prejudiced 有偏见的 Pride and Prejudice 傲慢和偏见

  21. bid n & vt 标的,投标 make bids for

  22. bill n 议案,账单,钞票(口)

  23. bind vt 捆绑 bound/bound

  24. blame vt 责怪 blame sb for sth 因为stb责怪sb sb be to blame for sth

  25. blank adj 空白的 a blank piece of paper 一张空白的纸

  26. blast n 一阵(风),爆炸,冲击波;vt 爆炸

  27. bleak adj 萧瑟的(天气阴冷的),凄凉的;bleak prospects 暗淡的前景

  28. block vt 封锁,阻止,阻碍 n 街区

  29. blunder n 大错误

  30. board n 板 aborad 在船/飞机上

  31. boast vi 吹嘘;There is nothing to boast of/about… Great boast small roast. 雷声大,雨点小。

  32. bold adj 勇敢的/鲁莽的 n 粗体

  33. bond n 契约,债卷

  34. bonus n 奖金,红利

  35. boom v 迅速,繁荣 a booming city 一个发展迅猛的城市

  36. boost vt 推动

  37. bore vt 使厌烦;boring 令人厌烦的 bored 感到厌烦的 interesting-interested; surprising-surprised

  38. bother v 烦扰 brother 兄弟

  39. bound adj 被束缚的;注定的;开往…的 Everyone is bound to die/The ship is bound for Dalian. n 跳,范围 vi 弹跳;rebound 反弹;boundary n 边界

  40. breach n 缺口,违背;vt 打破,突破

  41. breed vt 繁殖,抚养 n (生物)品种 breed cattle

  42. bribe n vt 贿赂 bride 新娘/bridegroom 新郎

  43. brief adj 简短的 n 摘要,大纲 vt 摘要 To be brief, s+v= In brief,s+v 简言之

  44. broad adj 宽阔的 broad-minded 心胸宽广的;narrow-minded 心胸狭窄的;

  45. brutal adj 畜生的,禽兽的,残忍的;brute n 畜生;cruel adj 残忍的

  46. budget n 预算 vi 做预算

  47. burden n 担子,负担,责任,义务;vt.使负担,给予麻烦 burden a horse with a load

  48. burst vi/vt 爆发;突发 Burst into laughter 突然大笑 Burst with anger 勃然大怒 burst into tears 放声大哭 burst into the room 闯入房间


  1. bearing n 轴承,关系

  2. bolster n 长枕,垫枕

  3. brevity n 简洁,简短
